Women Gaining Access to Medical Education

Founders’ Early Attitudes

19世纪90年代,妇女普遍被排除在医学教育之外. 所以当1893年约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的第一个班级里有三位女性的消息传开时,人们感到震惊是可以理解的.

Admitting them was revolutionary, 但约翰霍普金斯大学的创始人并没有有意识地开始为女性扩大机会. Although Daniel Coit Gilman, the University's first president, 为女性争取一流的教育(并帮助在巴尔的摩建立了古彻学院), he sided with his friend Charles Eliot, president of Harvard University, who called coeducation (women learning alongside men) "a thoroughly wrong idea, which is rapidly disappearing."

Likewise, the medical school's first professor and dean, William Henry Welch, 私下里告诉朋友,他会因为太尴尬而不愿和坐在他讲堂里的女人讨论医学问题. 医疗机构的首席规划人员似乎从来没有想过接纳女性, John Shaw Billings, who, in all his writings of the future medical school, referred to medical students solely as "young men."

Thomas, Garrett, King and Gwinn: A Turning Point

Mary Elizabeth GarrettMary Elizabeth Garrett

Unforeseen events forced the founders to rethink their views in 1890. 医学院本应与医院同时开办, in 1889, but it turned out there was no money for it. Income from the university's B&O Railroad stock, which Johns Hopkins had expected would cover operating costs, had dried up the year before.

尽管推迟了,霍普金斯大学的受托人还是安排了学校的四位顶级教授. When the doctors showed up, there was no school to teach in, and Harvard, McGill and the University of Pennsylvania tried to hire them away.

因此,霍普金斯大学的领导们听取了四位原校董的女儿——玛莎·凯里·托马斯的意见, Mary Elizabeth Garrett, Elizabeth King and Mary Gwinn — offered a deal. They would raise the $500,000 needed to open the school and pay for a medical school building, but only if the school would open its doors to qualified women. Reluctantly, the men agreed.

Mary Elizabeth Garrett Boardroom Honors a Johns Hopkins Legacy

In 2018, 东巴尔的摩校区米勒研究大楼的会议室更名为玛丽·伊丽莎白·加勒特会议室, 向1893年带头发起了一场雄心勃勃的筹款活动,为约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院提供资金的女性致敬.

A Higher Standard for Medical Students

When the money was in hand by Christmas Eve, 1892, the Women's Fund Committee added a strategic twist. Garrett, the daughter of the head of the B&O Railroad, was able to donate about $307,000 to the effort herself. 她列出了所有申请霍普金斯大学的学生都必须满足的入学要求, male or female: proof of a bachelor's degree, proficiency in French, German and Latin, and a strong background in physics, chemistry and biology.


"She naturally supposed this was exactly what we wanted," Welch wrote of Garrett to his colleague, Harvey Cushing, in 1922.“We were alarmed, and wondered if any students would come or could meet the conditions, for we knew that we could not. As Osler said, ‘Welch, it is lucky that we got in as professors; we could never enter as students.'"

Thus, the women revived ideals that were almost shelved, and ensured that Hopkins would set a new, unprecedented standard in American medical education.

Women’s Presence Increases

But first, the committee needed help, on a national scale. 朱莉娅·罗杰斯从美国最有影响力和最富有的女性中获得了筹款支持, including First Lady Frances Cleveland, Dr. 伊丽莎白·布莱克威尔(第一位从美国医学院毕业的女性), the Geneva College of Medicine in upstate New York, in 1849), Julia Ward Howe, Alice Longfellow, Clara Barton, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard Bell, and others.

In the end, 韦尔奇是唯一一位拒绝在要求受托人接受这些女性提供经济帮助的信上签字的霍普金斯医生.

虽然前三名女医学生中有两人中途退学,但第三名女医学生玛丽. 帕卡德是瓦萨学院的毕业生,她完成了这个项目并获得了医学学位. By the turn of the century, 就连韦尔奇也意识到了女性在医学课堂上的重要性.

"The necessity for coeducation in some form," he wrote later, “becomes more evident the higher the character of the education. In no form of education is this more evident than in that of medicine.... We regard coeducation a success; those of us who were not enthusiastic at the beginning are now sympathetic and friendly.”

作为女性,约翰·霍普金斯大学的卓越标准在一定程度上要归功于女性, they made sure women students met them. 当知识分子小说家格特鲁德·斯坦上医学院时, 她没有完成课程要求,在产科的一项主要研究任务中失败了. 当时的居民弗洛伦斯·萨宾(Florence Sabin)被要求审查斯坦因的作品,并认为它是不合格的. Stein was out.

Other Women of Distinction in Johns Hopkins’ Early Days

Florence Sabin

florence sabinFlorence Sabin

Florence Sabin earned her M.D. at Johns Hopkins in 1900, 1917年,她被任命为医学院第一位女正教授. She headed Colorado’s public health department from 1944 to 1953, and a bronze statue of Sabin stands in the gallery of the U.S. Capitol honoring her many contributions to anatomy and histology.

萨宾提出的实验结果对流行的淋巴系统形成理论提出了质疑,这引起了解剖学家同行的愤怒. 她的坚韧不拔和无可争议的证明使全世界接受了淋巴发育的新观点. Sabin was the first woman elected to the National Academy of Sciences, in 1925, 也是美国解剖学家协会的第一位女主席.

Helen Taussig

TaussigDr. Taussig (right) pictured with Vivien Thomas (left).

Helen Taussig earned her M.D. at Johns Hopkins in 1927. A pediatric cardiologist, Taussig, along with Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas, 开创并实施了首例针对缺陷心脏的“蓝色婴儿”手术, launching the field of modern heart surgery.

以对年轻推荐十大正规网赌平台和他们的父母的温柔和热情而闻名, 陶西格克服了阅读障碍,可能成为世界上最著名的女医生. 她促进了对正常和先天异常心脏功能的理解, 1962年她对药物沙利度胺的警告在很大程度上预防了美国新生儿的畸形.

陶西格也是美国医师协会的第一位女性成员,也是第一位被授予乔治M. Kober Medal. 她从林登·约翰逊总统那里获得了总统自由勋章.

Caroline Bedell Thomas

Caroline Bedell ThomasCaroline Bedell Thomas

Caroline Bedell Thomas earned her M.D. in 1930 at Johns Hopkins. 托马斯是一位心脏病专家,他通过使用磺胺药物来打破风湿热的破坏性循环,开发了第一个针对一种主要心脏病的预防性治疗方法. 她还设计了一项全国持续时间最长的研究,以寻找疾病的早期预测因素, suicide and long life. 托马斯是第一批入选美国医师协会的女性之一.